Monday, March 9, 2009

March update

It's been 3 months...

I'm still not done. The thesis was put on hold while I went on holiday for 18 days. What about the remaining 2 and a half months I hear you ask... nothing happened. Progress is slow.

I have 12 days before I move out of Oxford and start my new life and new job. That comes to 10 days of actual writing.

I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My supervisor

I realise now, looking back, that I was stupid to stay with my supervisor throughout this DPhil. I should have moved or left or something, she too scatty. Too late now I know.

She doesn't really hear what you're saying sometimes or know what she's saying and then makes up things she thinks she'd said. I often left meetings with her, which would typically be 30 mins to 1 hour, confused and with very little meaningful information. I tried to cancel these meetings, suggesting that we meet much less frequently but she then started to phone and email more and try to get me in the corridor or just turn the group meetings into discussions about my work. After a while I gave up fighting it and just kept meeting with her once a week. Often I daydream in these meetings. I go in with some questions I need answered and the rest of the time I let her ramble till she feels better and then leave.

She had another student before me. He was from far away and English wasn't his first language. He left before I completed my first year. Given that I don't understand my boss most of the time, I can't imagine how difficult he must have found it. He left without his DPhil for many reasons but just before he left he gave me and a colleague dictaphones. He wanted us to use them in our meetings with the boss. He was very angry with her for not making sense in their meetings and (he said) constantly changing what she thought had been decided. He was always angry though. He had behaviour issues, he almost threw a punch at a different colleague after chasing him around the meeting room once.

She's a nice person is my boss, a genuinely nice person, but I do agree with her ex-student in part. She often doesn't make sense and rarely answers a question directly. She'll usually ramble on incoherently and tangentially. She's disorganised, occasionally makes inappropriate comments (e.g. talking about her son's personal life in a group meeting).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stress causes performance anxiety causes stress...

29 days to go

I am so stressed out at the moment... I have to prepare some records for inspection. It isn't really stressful in itself, but I have now I think developed some kind of anxiety disorder. I can't help it, everything makes me anxious. Deciding what to have for dinner makes me anxious, deciding when to go to the gym, what to wear, what to do with figures in the thesis... So now, thinking of preparing records AND writing AND being unemployed/unemployable is making me feel so stressed I think I could throw up. I can't wait till the fucking DPhil is done. Stress is even getting in the way of boyfriend-related activities.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hey there stranger


31 days to go!

Hi there, it's been a while. How are you? How am I? Yeah, not bad... done fuck all writing and have about a month before my deadline... ok, it's a fake deadline, the ultimate one being in mid Jan, but it's still scaring me.

So why haven't I written? Because... I don't know. I'm lazy? I just can't write well? Not motivated anymore? Panicking about having no income? Having to work in shitty lab with Mr. ArSeHoLe to make enough money to pay rent is making me depressed? Yes, they could all have something to do with it. Mr. ArSeHoLe and generally being unemployed and in my 5th year here are actually motivating me enough I think. I am getting there, slowly but surely. I'm staying in Poxford over Christmas to write.

Hot neighbour

No sightings for weeks now... The Dr. and I are planning on having him over next month, though I think we will probably have to invite the whole house. I'm not really sure how many people live next door, but it shouldn't be a problem. I'm getting nervous just thinking about it.


I've got nowhere on the job front either. I have an interview coming up in a 3 weeks but that's like the only one.


C and I nearly bought a 40 piece crockery set from We-sell-junk channel. White with silver rims, it looked pretty boring but ok for general use at home, you know, not our finest crockery but ok for us at home, and the price dropped to below £30... if it wasn't for the fact that none of it could go in the microwave, it was a done deal.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I got offered a job...

... a job that I'm 99.99% sure I can't have. Not a tax accountant, but on the way there. Poo.

I get worried when I hear myself say things like "I want to train as an accountant". It's not natural is it, even at my age there's something nauseating about that statement. It's also not natural to be talking to yourself so much, I hear.

An ok-ish morning at the office today: had a semi useful meeting with the supes. They now think I will have 4 results chapters. Yesterday I was still under the impression it was going to be 2.3 but is one of the wonders of DPhil misery. How much have I actually written in the last 6 days? ZERO. How many graphs have I plotted of the same flippin' data!!?!?? Hundreds(!)

Other news: BBC1 are showing Speed instead of Jonathon Woss tonight.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bad bad bad Tesco

I have a drum

55 days to go

The boy

I have a boy
The boy is mine
I will treat him poorly
There is no need to whine

Ok, I don't treat him poorly.

I used to love The Kids in the Hall. So weird! "I'm crushing your head"

And work

Interviews next week: 2

Job offers: 0

I had a chat with a finance person for a very big IT systems and hardware company which was useful, she told me about what she does, how she started, why she changed from practice to commercial accounting. I'm researching the finance programmes offered by a whole load of firms, from accountancy practices to chocolate manufacturers.

Words on thesis since last blog: 0

I did however look up some stuff on Igf2 signaling. How relevant will that be though? The thesis is boring!